"Sokoban Automatic Solver" for windows.

Version 7.3.1 (Oct/2021)

     New Version is here.

1. Introduction.
Sokoban is a puzzle game which Hiroyuki Imabayashi devised in 1982.
This program finds a solution of the sokoban. (not optimal)
And this solver requires a 64-bit version of Windows.
Memory is at least 4.0GB.
2. Download.  (2021/10/20 update)
takaken731.exe (283KB)  for Windows 64-bit.
     Command line version
3. Performance.
LevelSetName Levels Ver7.2.2 Ver7.3.1 Details
 xsokoban 90  86  90  LIST
 perfect 306  261  270  LIST
 revenge 306  244  250  LIST
 smallset 200  192  192  LIST
CPU: Corei7 10870H 2.20GHz
MEM: 8.0 GB
OS: Windows 10 Pro (64bit)
TimeLimit: 600sec
4. Algorithm.
You can see it in this page. But, Japanese.
This solver was developed targeting xsokoban.
Unfortunately, This solver hasn't made much progress in levels set other than xsokoban.
5. Author.
Ken'ichiro Takahashi (takaken), Japan.

Sokoban copyright(c) 1982- THINKING RABBIT Inc. Japan

  Other content
My Levels.  <- The Serial Number was given by Mr. Imabayashi.