"Sokoban Automatic Solver" for windows.

Version 7.4 (Mar/2024)

More Sokoban related contents
MOP for Sokoban Ver2.2
Sokoban Minimum Moves Solver Ver1.2

1. Introduction.
Sokoban is a puzzle game which Hiroyuki Imabayashi devised in 1982.
This program finds a solution of the sokoban.
And this solver requires a 64bit version of Windows.
Memory is at least 4.0GB.
2. Download.
takaken74.exe (314KB)  for Windows 64bit.
   2024/03/08 Update.

Build: Visual Studio Community 2022
3. Performance.
The focus on takaken74.exe is to bug fix, and the performance is almost the same as Ver7.3.1.
LevelSetName Levels Solved Details
 xsokoban 90  90  LIST
 perfect 306  271  LIST
 revenge 306  259  LIST
 smallset 200  192  LIST
 CPU: Corei7 10870H 2.20GHz
 MEM: 16.0 GB
 OS: Windows 11 Pro (64bit)
 TimeLimit: 600sec
4. Run on the command line.
takaken74.exe can receive parameters.
"-in"for the level file to be solved
"-out"for the output result file
"-time"for the time limit (sec) default: 600sec
"-level"for the level numbar default: all levels
However, because it is a Windows application, if you execute it on the command line,
it will be in the state of waiting for the input of the next command without waiting for the finish.
Be careful when creating a batch file and processing multiple level sets in succession.
To eliminate this inconvenience, I created a tool that wait for finish. (You can download)
   wait.exe (96KB)   wait.c (Source code)
ex. command line
wait takaken74 -in xsokoban.sok -out xsokoban74.txt -time 600 -level 1
wait takaken74 -in boxworld.sok -out boxworld74.txt -time 300 -level 10-19
ex. batch file
5. Import solution data.
takaken74.exe can import solution data and use the solution viewer.
6. Algorithm.
The algorithm of Ver7.4 is almost the same as that of Ver7.3.1. (Japanese)
7. SideShow.
my Levels (The Serial Number is given by Mr. Imabayashi.)